
parisfox avatar image
parisfox asked

Easysolar II GX 48V/5000 250/100 Absortion/VRM

I have an Easysolar II GX 48V/5000 250/100 installed in April 2022, with a LiFePO4 48V 16Kwh battery pack.
The system was working correctly for about 2 months (since I updated the batteries), but now, when it comes to absorption, the information that appears in the VRM is erratic.
When I download the excel, countless blank lines appear, and the battery charge count, solar production and consumption "freezes", because of these periods of apparent failure of communication between the various components of Easysolar.
However, in Victron connect, the solar production information continues to update and appears to be correct, giving a difference of about 2Kw at the end of the day.
When the system goes into Float, everything seems to work ok again.
Furthermore, when I turn on the AC input of the grid, after a few seconds, the SOC goes straight to 95%, that is, the percentage that appears in the VRM is wrong.
The system settings are normal, offgrid system (I only connect to the grid when the batteries reach a capacity of less than 25%), it charges up to 95%, goes into absorption at 56.80V and remains for 2 hours and then goes into Float at 54V.
What will be happening ???Screenshot 2022-06-30 at 14-57-39 - VRM Portal.pngVictron
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


Possibly settings.

Have you updated the system to the latest firmware?

How often is the system set to datalog? Have you tried adding a small sd in so it can store more logs if internet connection is an issue.

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parisfox avatar image parisfox Alexandra ♦ commented ·

I have this FW. But it worked ok until now... 
It seems to be a communication problem between Easysolar components, but I don't know why it only happens when it comes to Absorption


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