
hanski avatar image
hanski asked

MultiPlus Compact charger problem

Hi, I have Multiplus Compact 12/3000 230V inverter charger. The charger do not operate. I have read "MultiPlus Generator FAQ" instructions. According it I made the following changes to my MultiPlus Compact inverter charger: "Disable UPS mode", "Enable Dynamic Current limiting", "Turn on Weak AC". Is it worth doing a "Disabling LOM" as well? The max current of my HONDA generator is 8.7A. So I thought to adjust the "AC1 input current limit" to 0.75% * 8.7A = 7A. And finally, "Charge current" to 400Ah * 10% = 40A according to the size of my battery bank, 2*12V/200Ah in parallel" . Is this good? Do I still need to put 75W of extra power to operate with generator. I will also try to send you a diagram of my system. Solar Power system 2022.pdf? What shall I do with the "Ground relay" position? ON or OFF?

solar-power-system-2022.pdf (831.2 KiB)

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


LOM disabled only if the generator is not being accepted. Sometimes you have to disable dynamic current limiting also depends on if the generator gets kicked off.

Keep the ground relay on. It only activated when the grid /generator connection is lost.

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