
christopherb avatar image
christopherb asked

Sending Max 7.4kW to the 5.76kW SmartSolar MPPT RS

I have the 450/100 SmartSolar MPPT which can put out 5.76kW and I have 16 Solar Panels 50.8VOC / 460W

I am not sure how best to setup the 2 arrays, options seem to be:

  1. 8 panels, 2 arrays. Which at max would produce 7.4kW. I am not sure if this is possible but i assume if i do this I will simply loose any energy over 5.76kW
  2. 6 panels, 2 arrays, which would max 5.5kW. then find another use for the 4 extra panels.

Should I wire up all 16 or stick with 12?

MPPT Controllersmppt rs
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

I would wire up all 16 in two arrays of 8 panels.
This is quite a good balance, unless you live somewhere cool and sunny all the time, it is rare to get full nameplate PV power all the time. So on cloudy days you will not be missing out and having the extra PV power is beneficial.

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seb71 avatar image seb71 commented ·
To add to wkirby's answer: make sure the maximum string voltage is not exceeded even in the lowest temperatures you can have there.
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