
Dominik Immler avatar image
Dominik Immler asked

Can`t reconfigure existing "dual phase 120" configuration to "Three phase" after adding third MP-II

Hello Guys.

Hope to get help from you Guys.

I have the following problem in "VE.Bus System Configurator".

After receiving the first two Multiplus-II Devices, i configured them in "VE.Bus System Configurator" as "dual phase 120" configuration and "sent configuration" to the devices (Just do be able use the devices for charging and top balance the battery).

Now i received the third Multiplus-II Device, so i wanted to reconfigure the system, to set up the final "three phase" installation.

Unfortunately i`m not able to reconfigure the existing two devices in any way.

As soon as i manipulate the location of these two devices in "VE.Bus System Configurator", the button "Send Configuration" will get grayed out.

I`d appreciate any information on this issue.

Thanks in advance.


multiplus ve.bus
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1 Answer
Dominik Immler avatar image
Dominik Immler answered ·

Hello Guys.

Today i was able to configure the three MP-II in "three phase" configuration.

I recognized that the third MP-II i received yesterday was not up to date firmware wise.

After updating to the latest Firmware, configuring the "three phase" system worked fine ("send configuration" worked).


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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
With just 3 devices the "VE.Bus Quick Configure" or VictronConnect would have been easier.
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