Hello I have a multiplus 5.0/Venus/Fronius Galvo Grid-connected solar backup system. It Is connected to the local grid and must not feed power back to the grid.
I have set up both systems as described in literature (modbus, ip settings, etc) and added the self consumption hub assistant. The fronius appears in the venus menu and everything seems fine at first.
however, sometimes the fronius is temporarily pushing power onto the grid (up to 1000W for up to 10 seconds) and then resetting itself. This happens when the daytime loads are small and the battery backup is 100%. The fronius will turn on, push power to grid and reset again and again. This also seems to be overcharging the batteries. The whole control system seems very sluggish.
I dont understand why the fronius seems slow to respond to frequency shifting. I feel like I am not using the right assistant for this application. I have read everything about fronius and victron on this website a bunch but just cant get the system to respond right in all situations.
I want to understand better the control mechanism. It seems that while the grid is available the victron multi and venus should be controlling the fronius via modbus, and when the local grid goes down it should switch to frequency control. Am I right? Why cant the venus just control via modbus the whole time? Which assistant would this use?
Alternatively, can I just use a fronius smart meter and separate the two systems? Anyone have experience with this?
Thanks for the any help.