
victron-user avatar image
victron-user asked

My Victron 150 1 70 TR will not charge the batteries. The battery voltage is 26volts but it is displaying a reading of 29 volts and going to float and not charging. How do I get it to recognise the correct battery voltage?

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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

I suspect that you have voltage drop between the charger and the battery.

with a good volt meter measure the voltage at the bat connections on the Charger and then measure the voltage at the batteries. They should be the same or very close.

if there is a difference then you have a voltage drop mainly due to wthe wires being to small.


1 install bigger cables

2. install a smart bluetooth battery sense unit (the 150/70 must be a smart unit or you would also need a bluetooth connection dongle)

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