I have just had installed a 100/30 MPPT solar controller. I have 3 AGM batteries running in parallel (2x100AH and 1x95AH) Yes ideally should all be same current but the 95AH came with van as auxiliary battery which I specc'd as optopnal extra.
The 2xflexible solar panels are 150w each (obscure make):
At early afternoon peak output as per MPPT was showing:
With the BMV-700 showing:
These screenshots were taken when I removed all load from the batteries by turning everything off. The way the panels are wired is that they directly charge all appliances and the battery i.e. I can turn the consumer board off and solar will still power appliances.
So, I'm a bit disappointed thatat peak I am only getting 2.65amps charging batteries - does this look / sound right as 'potentially' I could get 16 amps from the panels - I know you never get that, but is it too much to expect 8amps rather than the not too useful amount Im getting currently?