I'm and having regular shutdowns of my off-grid Quattro 48/5000 - reported as "Overload". I have captured detailed VE Bus logs of two of these shutdowns (via MQTT) and the event I see happening first, is the {inverter}/VebusMainState changes from 4 to 0
followed by the {inverter}/State changing from 9 to 2
A full 2 seconds later the overload LED comes on and the output voltage drops to zero.
At no time during this event does the inverter input current rise, the battery voltage drop or the inverter output current or power rise. As these are all things I would expect to see in the case of a real overload.
Can somebody please point me to the reference material showing what these VE Bus state codes mean?
These "overload" shutdowns have only started occurring since I added a Venus GX and upgraded the inverter to v431