
chrisj1952 avatar image
chrisj1952 asked

Why does my Blue Smart charger always interrupt the charge cycle?

I've been using my 24V/13A Blue Smart charger for a few months. It (almost) always interrupts the charge cycle, without my intervention, as shown in the screenshots I've attached . I am using a custom setup to charge my LiFEPO4 batteries, but this issue also occured when I was using the built-in Li-on settings.


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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

First guess is that the BMS cuts the charge. What are the charger settings and what does the charger maker suggest. Could also be that the connections are disturbed.

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chrisj1952 avatar image
chrisj1952 answered ·

I assume BMS = the Battery Management System in the battery. Possibly, I will check with the manufacturer.

Here are my settings (2 screenshots, 2nd is attached), note float disabled was recommended by battery OEM



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