
vabrik avatar image
vabrik asked

Simple van system

I found a great and simple setup diagram from your forum:

However, my question is - would it work with regular "dumb" alternator (no Euro5 or Euro6) ?

I have fried one alternator in the past during similar setup on a boat (but with CTEK MPPT + battery isolator), when my house battery bank was too big for the 60A 12V generator to charge (it kept pulling too much from alternator at once).

So, Do I understand correctly that the Orion controller limits the pull of current from the alternator to 30A even if I don't have "smart" Euro5 or Euro6 alternator?

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vabrik avatar image vabrik commented ·
PS. The setup where I fried my alternator was 315Ah, pulling from 60A alternator. Was getting hot until died.
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

I didn't look at the diagram.

The Orion will limit continuous current to its rated output. But allows short periods of higher current for startup. So a 12/12 30 will output 30A.

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