
mario1234 avatar image
mario1234 asked

one cerbo with two different multi's

Good morning Community, is it possible to hang two different Multi's (MP12/1200 and MPII48/3000) on one Cerbo and control them from there. Preferably, an ESS should work in every Multi (once with a 12V and once with a 48V Battery). Do both multinationals then appear on the main Screen of the Cerbo?

Oh yes, the two multinationals are connected in parallel to the Grid, so only the input is connected to the Grid.

Thanks very much

cerbo gx
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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

This will not work. A CerboGX is designed to monitor a single system. Since these MultiPlus' are different models, they cannot be configured as a group. So only one of the MultiPlus' will show on the main page.

Much better to put each MultiPlus on its own CerboGX.

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mario1234 avatar image
mario1234 answered ·

I soon thought so - too bad!

Thank you for your prompt reply

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