
jau avatar image
jau asked

Single Phase - 1x Quattro 15kVA vs 3x Multiplus II

I'm planing a single phase system in Nepal at the moment. A question I'm asking myself all the time is if I should go with a single 15kVA Quattro or 3x 5kVA Multiplus II units.

What will be the downside of the 15kVA Quattro in comparison to the 3x Multiplus besides of "redundancy" in case of a faulty device?

Multiplus-IIMultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


15kva all the way. No downside here (unless you have grid compliance requirements)

The parallel multi2s are more likely to be a huge headache for setup as well.

+1 Quattro have higher overload capabilities

+2 uses the same size battery bank.

+3 easier to install

+4 proven reliable product

If installed properly you will have zero issues on the Quattros. Have seen/inspected some recently that were installed over 10 years ago.

2 |3000

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