
senojev avatar image
senojev asked

Problem connecting VEconfigure3 to Multiplus Compact

Have a Multiplus Compact that I am trying to set up Weak AC on. I am using Windows 11 on a MacBook Pro M1 via Parallels, VEconfigure 3 and a Victron Interface MK2 USB. I have VE loaded and it opens successfully. I am unable to select a com port either manually or using Auto-Detect. I have followed the directions for the connection sequence. I have downloaded the USB drivers.

Anyone have any suggestions on where to go with this? Thanks

VEConfigure 3
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2 Answers
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·


Windows 11 is not yet supported for the M1chip, thus drivers not working.

If your system contains a GX device and connected to VRM, you can use Remote VEConfigure to change settings for your Multi. See a details description here:

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senojev avatar image
senojev answered ·

Thanks Stefanie,

Did you mean that Windows 11 is not compatible with VEconfigre3 or is it an issue that the MK2 USB drivers won't work with Windows 11 on the M1? My M1 supports Parallels and Windows 11 with no issues. VEconfigure3 opens fine in Windows 11 and I can see the demo screens but does not find the com port.

Any idea how long it will be before VictronConnect supports parameters such as Weak AC?

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The USB drivers do not currently work with Windows 11 on the M1 chip. And I think it will stay that way until there is an official version of Windows 11 Pro ARM.

Someone here in the community got it working. Take a look here:

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