I just installed a BMV-712 for my bank of 2 Victron AGM 6V-225AH batteries. I used to use the voltage level on my old meter to determine my SOC. I followed the values in this chart followed advice to try to never run my batteries below 50% (12.05V). I did a test by leaving on a ~3A DC load for about 24 hours. After doing so, my BMV-712 told me I was at 77% and 12.25. That's approximately a .2V discrepancy from the chart (where 80% = 12.5V)... not too big a deal. Then I removed the load and waited 25 minutes and the voltage was up to 12.47V. That almost directly lines up with the chart... all good. I'm just wondering if I'm reading this right. These batteries are pretty old (~6-7 years) and seem to be in great shape, but how would I track them for degradation. Would the V to SOC numbers stop lining up so well or will it just lose energy quicker? Is the BMV smart enough to account for degraded batteries?