I have a camper with two 95 Ah batteries. The batteries can be charged with a 140 watt solar panel, the vehicle's alternator or by a 230 V charger. And a BMV-712 to check. If the BMV displays 100% and I leave the batteries on the charger, it shows -3 Watt and after 10 days 100 Ah consumption. But shows 80% full. I took it to the technician who installed it, he checked and changed it, and now the BMV shows the charge as negative and the discharge as positive!
Any idea what he did wrong?
Settings: Battery capacity 190 AH, Charged Volt 14.5, Discharge floor 45%, Tail current 4.00%
Charged det time 3m, Peukert 1.25, Charge efficienty faktor 95%, Current treshold 0.10 A
Time to go 3m.
greetings, Dennis