
alanerickson avatar image
alanerickson asked

Will an unpowered charger drain the batteries at all?

I'm putting my RV in covered storage for about 3 weeks and it's not being charged (although the batteries were full when I put it in storage). The simple view of the component layout is attached. There's a battery disconnect which I've turned off, but the way things are wired the dc to dc charger is still hooked up along with the solar controller. The devices are tied to ground/negative Do you think I have to worry about any "leakage" of current back through these devices?


orion-tr smart
disconnect.jpg (165.4 KiB)
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Discharge through the Victron components is negligible. So no worry.

Suggest you move the ground connection to the other battery. Balances battery use/voltage better.

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