I have a Zamp solar controller feeding LiFePo batteries. Multiplius 3000 inverter charger and a bmv700 connected to display/bluetooth. While offgrid, i turn on multiplus when required (microwave, coffee, etc) and state of charge slowly drops with usage. While unit is off, solar charge recharges batteries to 90-100% (as reported by bmv700), however, when i next turn on multiplus for use its state of charge is still at previous lower value and continues to drop with each additional usage state. Should i unplug the bmv700 display monitor and instead connect bmv700 directly to multiplus to get valid state of charge between units (Perhaps upgrade bmv700 to 712 Or ungrade solar controller to victron mPPT smart contoller?) When shore power is available for charging every thing seems normal but when off grid i’m afraid multiplus will continue showing lower discharge state until it reaches cutoff value and shuts down even though state is reasonably charged from solar.