
hansgeorgk avatar image
hansgeorgk asked

Recommended settings for EasySolar with LifePo4 Battery


I am looking for the recommended settings for an EasySolar 12/1600/70 connected to a LifePO4 battery.

Recommeded settings from the battery vendor for the LifePo4 Battery:

  • charge Programm CC CV
  • Absorption = 14,6v
  • Float 13,6v

The Multiplus has no LifePo4 Settings. See screenshot 2 for available settings (ds3-ds4).

Which one would fit best?

The MPPT 100/50 offers a LifePo4 settings (item 7 in screenshot 1), but that has lower Voltage settings as the recommended ones (14.2 vs 14.6 Absorption and 13.5 vs 13.6 float).

Same question as above - what is the recommended setting?



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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Get an mk3 to usb. There are settings there for lithium with Victron connect, and they can be customised for your battery.

The same is true of the mppt as well. You can edit the voltages. Change the battery preset to User Defined.

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