
chainmaster avatar image
chainmaster asked

SOC not showing on Easysolar

I am running an Easysolar 48/5000 with a set of 4 lead batteries 280 Ah.

The color control doesnt show the SOC value.

Voltage, current, Power is all correct, just SOC not showing.

I think, I will have to configure it. But where can I adjust Battery type,Voltage, State of Charge,…

and how can I make it visible?

EasySolar All-in-One
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3 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

You have to enable the battery monitor in the settings of the MultiPlus.

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @chainmaster

The only SOC available in the Easy is within it's Multiplus. It's not really suited to solar input, and that's probably why it's disabled by default. Or the Multi firmware is too old.

VEConfigure can access it, both to enable it and adjust the settings. You may also need to tell the CCGX to use it.

But I doubt it's actually worth the effort. I have the same Easy, and grabbed a Smartshunt to give me a useful battery charge current to pass on to the the mppt for it's 'Tail' function. And an accurate SOC as a bonus. Now that was worth it..

Either way, if you need help doing this, come back.

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chainmaster avatar image
chainmaster answered ·

thank you for the answers. displaying SOC seems not essential so i put it aside for the time being. As i understood the main config will be done directly on the multiplus, so i will have to get into this, and maybe the problem will disolve when the multi is cinfigured correctly.

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