Hey Victron users,
I'm having some trouble decide how I need to organize my electrical network before starting to install everything.
I have a Multiplus-II 48/5000 with a 5kW Fronius AC inverter (and the required amount of panels/batteries)
I want to be able to power the whole house (not at once ofc) with solar power in the event of power going down. To get that done I need to have the whole electrical network on the critical AC output, right?
Thus, I'm at the risk of overloading the Multiplus if I'm not being careful (or don't notice the grid going down) . What happens if I try to load 9kW from the Multiplus 5000 ? Will it just shut off and let me manually restart it after turning off what caused the overload?
Bonus question : is there any way to be able to power some appliances while off-grid from solar only but not from batteries? (I assume I can't, but I'd rather ask while it's a good time)