
mucwendel avatar image
mucwendel asked

How to delete an old ET340

Just changed the ET340 to a EM24.

Where to delete the ET340 from the Console Energy meter list?

I have deleted it already from the Portal. But it's still in the Console.


cerbo gx
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3 Answers
pv1703 avatar image
pv1703 answered ·

Same here, anyone found a solution in the meanwhile?

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pv1703 avatar image
pv1703 answered ·

Just to share the response from Offgrid Support. Until now it seems that a "to remove" option is not considered right now.

To ensure the possible reconnection the device will stay registered and no option to remove is considered until now. Maybe for a questionable data/configuration loss, who knows?

Strange thing, that by design no possible replacement after a defect or exchange is taken into account by Victron. Keeping systems clean and removing orphaned devices will be often key for the stability of systems.

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panzerknacker avatar image
panzerknacker answered ·

Same here, changed EM24 for EM540. EM24 still in Settings/Meters.


Would like to remove it. I am familiar with Linux/ssh. Any ideas?

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