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ajb asked

High Pitch noise on electronic devices

I currently have two 5kva Sunsynk Inverters installed with a 10kw Freedom Won lipo4 and 16 Monocrystalline 455w Canadian panels. All wires,breakers are above spec and system is earthed.

However the high frequency pitch that all Inverters have is carried on my electrical cables in house and is audible on all electrical appliances and is very noticeable on Samsung tv's as well as amplifiers.

I was told that it is part of the harmonic character of the Sunsynk system and nothing can be done.

I'm considering just changing to Victron Quattro system to gain some sanity.

Has anybody experienced any of the above problems on a Victron 8kva or 10kva Quattro system or is this a Deye and Sunsynk issue?

quattro 10kva
2 |3000

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