
disepalo avatar image
disepalo asked

Question about shore current limiter


I have a question regarding the Shore Current Limiter (C12/2000/80): is this the total power it can withdraw from the grid while charging the batteries AND while in operation (float)?

Let's say I've set the shore current limiter at 8 amps. During the battery charge cycle, the current drawn from the AC wall outlet will not go over 8A.
Now I turn on something that consumes 10A. Will these extra 2Amps be taken from the grid, or from the batteries? (so the system will fall to inverting mode)

I guess it's from the batteries... just want to be sure!


Phoenix Inverter
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


It will pull the extra from the batteries, you will see (if you have one) Power Assist on the GX.

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disepalo avatar image disepalo commented ·
Many thanks!
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