
carltovey avatar image
carltovey asked

grid tied pv charger inverter

I am after a grid connected inverter charger system to change lithium batteries from PV (800 -1000W 4/5 panels) 120v - 140 dc, the inverter must be able to use stored energy in batteries to my house loads (Grid connected) when pv is low or none existant

Lithium Battery
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1 Answer
southsideph avatar image
southsideph answered ·

There is another thread on this as this is exactly what I am looking to do on a new install. So to answer your question. The Multiplus has a Virtual Switch configuration which overrides the default behaviour. You can set the multiplus to ignore the AC input on certain conditions i.e. at voltage or SoC levels or power so in essences the Multiplus will only use grid if there is not enough charge in the batteries, say on consecutive cloudy days. It will also use the grid if the power draw goes over a certain limit.

I found this


Hope this helps

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