
lukescarr avatar image
lukescarr asked

Multiplus-II GX not displaying SOC


My Multiplus-II GX isn't displaying SOC, it never has since I installed it.

It displays "--" or says 0%

I've confirmed settings in Settings → System settings → Battery monitor
I've also tried changing it from "automatic", "MultiPlus-II 48/3000/35-32 on VE.Bus" and "No battery monitor" but it doesn't get it working.

When I select "no battery monitor" the "0W" reading disappears "(the bank currently has no load).

I've Googled around and searched the forum. Thanks for any help.

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4 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @lukescarr

If you only have the Multi available to provide SOC, you'll need to enable it in the Multi. It looks like this in VEConfigure..

1652188878279.pngBetter to grab a BMV or Smartshunt if you want a serious SOC.

1652188878279.png (58.6 KiB)
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lukescarr avatar image
lukescarr answered ·

Thanks John, that's sorted it.

I didn't see anything about having to nn specifically enable it via VEConfigure, I had assumed it was enabled by default and that by seeing battery monitor options in the remote console it was available be used.

Thanks again.

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xenofon-issaris avatar image
xenofon-issaris answered ·

Hi all,

I have the same problem. Just put a second array of P/V so i used the socket on the CCGX where before was the bm-700 for the second Blue solar charger. i turned SOC to be monitored from the Multiplus but seems to read nothing, it's dropping constantly when both chargers are on float and i have 27.8 V on a 24v system. So the multiplus monitor doesn't read the charging. I tried to do what u said above but my vE config doesn't have this option. How do i solve the problem?


1717079147307.png (67.8 KiB)
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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ commented ·
The MultiPlus can only see its own charging and consumption - you have other chargers on the system, which it can't detect.
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xenofon-issaris avatar image
xenofon-issaris answered ·

Why my VE config software doesn't have the option "Enable battery monitor"?

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