
Marco avatar image
Marco asked

Blue Smart IP22 3 outputs - switches to float too early

Hi, I have a 12v 45Ah AGM starter and a 12v 110Ah AGM cycle battery connected to my Blue Smart IP22 (3 outputs). The starter battery is always more or less full, but the cycle battery sometimes will go down to about 60% SOC. If I then connect shore power to the charger, it looks like it switches into float way too early, because of the already full starter battery and my BMV only shows float voltage for my cycle battery. So I assume I will not get charged properly, because float voltage is much lower than the needed abs voltage.

Or do I miss something?

chargercharge controller compatibility
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

When you do connect to power and the AGM batteries are discharged

What are the voltages at the Charger terminals for BOTH batteries and what are the voltages at the Battery terminals

If you are getting ruffly the below readings then the cables to the Cycle battery are two small and you are getting volt drop because of this,

The voltages and amps below are as examples only.


Charger T1 cycle 14.2v T2 start 14.2v

Charger T1 cycle 25A T2 start 5A

Battery Cycle 13.2v start 14.2v

Battery Cycle 25A start 5A

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