
3dremodel avatar image
3dremodel asked

MPPT smart 100/30 no current?

Smartsolar Was working for 6 months until adding what seemed to be unrelated devices like lynx distributor.

Now only shows volts from solar and battery, will properly change state from bulk and so on, and i can properly control on/off of device via app.

The app shows No readings for watts or current/amps. Verified in line fuse is good, verified amps coming from solar new solar panels. When checking the BMV 712 the battery voltage would slowly increase from solar only input so appears device works just not the bluetooth readings? Thinking something wrong with device but need some ideas to verify.screenshot.jpgapp-screen.jpg

MPPT Controllers
screenshot.jpg (233.0 KiB)
app-screen.jpg (167.0 KiB)
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1 Answer
chadd-warwick avatar image
chadd-warwick answered ·

did you find an answer to this? seeing the same issues when adding a new 100/30 to my lynx distro.

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