
van-on-66 avatar image
van-on-66 asked

Which Battery Monitor do I need?

Hello everyone.

I am setting up a solar system for my van and purchased a Victron 75/15 SmartSolar Charge Controller. Obviously I want to go through the settings so I need a way to communicate with the charge controller.

At the moment I am deliberating which way to go about this and am considering my options. I would like to access my charge controller via my laptop, but to do this I've discovered that Windows cannot communicate via Bluetooth. In this case I would have to have a cable that would connect between my charge controller and my laptop, but I am confused as to which is the correct cable for this. Can anyone tell me?

I am also aware that there are two BMV monitors; BMV 700 & BMV 712. I understand that the BMV 700 is not Bluetooth and the BMV 712 is. However, since I am in such close proximity to everything in the van it seems like having a Bluetooth model isn't necessary anyway and by going with the BMV 700 I can save around $100.00. Any thoughts?

At the moment I do not have a smart phone so I can't pull up the Victron Connect wirelessly, but since the charge controller that I have does have Bluetooth capability, I may go ahead and upgrade to a smartphone.

I appreciate any input.


BMV Battery Monitor
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Van on 66

You can get the bmv 700 and add Bluetooth to it later if you want with a VE Bluetooth dongle.

The cable to connect mppt to laptop is a ve direct to usb.

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