
northstar avatar image
northstar asked

Unable to connect to remote mqtt service with MQTT Explorer

Hi all,

I followed this setup :

(without the Moqsuitto installation) but I can´t get a connection to the server.

I computed the VRM MQTT victron server to be 99 from the VRM portal ID and

the port is set to 8883. My username and password work ok on the VRM portal

an I use the mentioned venus-ca.crt CA file. I can´t see what is wrong in this setup.

btw: MQTT-Explorer connects ok to server.

Any recommendations ? Thx, Sven

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4 Answers
najab avatar image
najab answered ·

Double-check that you've worked out the right server name to connect to. I had a similar problem and it turned out I wasn't speaking to the right server.

Also, did you send a keepalive request?

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northstar avatar image
northstar answered ·

Thanks you for that suggestion.

I sorted it out, it was caused by some confusion with the login credentials.

It wants the email adress at login and not the registration name / user name.

So it works now. Cool.

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northstar avatar image
northstar answered ·

Now, the next mission will be to find out how to install the CA file on my mobile phone to get the MQTT Dash app to work !

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northstar avatar image
northstar answered ·

Back again. ;)

Now I managed to connect MQTT Explorer to the remote VRM server but where do I go from here ?

I don´t see any topics. How and where to do i publish the keepalive ?



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