
jefffay avatar image
jefffay asked

Lynx Shunt Fuse Incredibly Hot

Can anyone shed light on why my 500 AMP fuse in my Lynx Shunt is cooking? Right now it's at 280 degrees F (138 degrees C). I'm charging 4 x 12v 200AH LiFePO4 batteries at max (limited by me) current of 160 AMP (2 x Multiplus 2's 12/120/3000 set up in split phase. I can't imagine charging at the max of 240 AMP.... The bus bar is also really hot at 100 degrees F (38 degrees C). I have 4/0 AWG cables between the bus and the inverter / chargers. Ambient temp ~ 82 degrees F (28 degrees C).

Thanks in advance.

lynx shunt
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1 Answer
Chris Barber avatar image
Chris Barber answered ·

the first thing that comes to mind is a poor or loose connection on one end of the shunt. Even a tiny amount of resistance will cause significant heating at the connection when there's a good bit of current flowing. I squared R is the expression for power dissipation. I'm just finishing the installation of a lynx shunt but I haven't put any power through it. I'll certainly be monitoring temperatures in my initial system tests.

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jefffay avatar image jefffay commented ·
Thanks Chris, everything is tight. My 4 x batteries are connected to the Lynx power in in parallel each with a pair of 25mm2 cables. I'm wondering if that's where the resistance is.... My 2/0 AWG cables arrive today I'll test again tomorrow with those cables an see what's up.
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Related Resources

Lynx Shunt VE Can online manual

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