
edgardmon avatar image
edgardmon asked

How to download the historical color control GX?

Hello, I need to download the solar production data from my photovoltaic system, but the file that the MPPT 150-TR driver gives me does not indicate the date that I take the sample.

CCGX Color Control
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3 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

The colour control CCGX will record its dates precisely. You can access this via connecting to the internet, and then viewing it at or as explained here.

The MPPT will record the previous 30 days, and you can access and export this via VictronConnect app.

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edgardmon avatar image
edgardmon answered ·

Hello, my GX control color has no internet connection, how can I get the GX control color history?

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mka avatar image
mka answered ·

I guess you already have the unswer by now if not you need a memory card inserted in ccgx that will store the historical data.

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