
tslewis99 avatar image
tslewis99 asked

VRM geofence drawing tools missing

I have two installations in VRM. One shows the drawing tools and one does not. The tools did exist at one time and I can see where the last active fence was set. FYI, I have tried different browsers, computers, zoom levels. I have cleared cache, cookies and history. Nothing brings the tools back. Anyone know how to correct this?

with tools:


without tools:


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1 Answer
tslewis99 avatar image
tslewis99 answered ·

It turns out that the solution is quite simple but just wasn't intuitive to me. The fence drawing needed to be reset even though Geofence had been disabled. When the fence is set, regardless if it is enabled or not the reset button is greyed out.


Also if you move your mouse over it your pointer changes to this:


If you click on it anyway is removes the fence and looks like this:


Then the drawing tools reappear in the top left of the map.

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