
CristiMV avatar image
CristiMV asked

Victron 1-phase/Fronius 3-phase AC Coupling

My current system consists in a Victron Quattro 10k with a Fronius Primo 8.2 connected on the Ac_out of the Quattro, a Victron 3 phase smart meter (wanted to see the parameters of all 3 phases, still using one phase only from the grid). And yes, batteries and a Color GX and running ESS.

I’m planning to add a Fronius Symo 10k on the Ac_in, and yes, only phase will be used by Victron, while the other two, either to charge a car or just sell it to the grid. Now the question: would the ESS assistant be able to control the Symo when it comes to grid export? Currently I cannot export more than 8kW in total. Of course I can ask for limit increase from the grid company, but I would avoid this if possible. Or do I still need also a 3 phase Fronius Smart meter to regulate the Symo output?

AC PV Coupling
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1 Answer
CristiMV avatar image
CristiMV answered ·

Anyone? Nobody tried this setup or a similar one?

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