
terkazarian avatar image
terkazarian asked

minimum battery requirement

Will multiplus 2 work without the minimum battery requirement (for each 1.5kw pv 4.8kwh battery)? For example if i have victron's multiplus 2 and ac coupled pv 15kwp using fronius, (without sending energy back to grid) during the day most of the pv power will be used by the loads (AC, servers etc.), will 15kwh 300ah lifepo4 batteries (150a bms) be enough?


Lithium Battery
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1 Answer
marekp avatar image
marekp answered ·


I think this (1.5kWp - 4.8kWh) is a suggestion and not a hard rule.

You will have to limit the max charge current.

I have 18kVA 3 phase system with 16kWp in panels and once had 10kWh LFP battery without problems. Now have 20kWh battery tho.

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terkazarian avatar image terkazarian commented ·

I'm wondering if you can assist me with building a Self-consumption solar system.

it's my first time so i need someone that will able to help down the road.

of course that I will pay for your time.

please let me know if you are interested

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marekp avatar image marekp terkazarian commented ·


The best way is to learn all by yourself.

Once you do that you will be able to fix your system later.

Victron is providing very valuable information on their Victron-professional website. (you can register there as client)

All I know I learned from there.

Also there are documents available on the web.

The most useful are:

My suggestion is to do it yourself (DIY).

Any questions you for sure will have you can ask here on this forum.

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