I have a 3600 watt isolation tranformer that makes the strangest sounds when using my dewalt heatgun ~1500watts. I've had no issues with othe, higher loads, such as a heater and dehumidifier running on high ~2.2 KW total.
Adding to this, I just got the multiplus 3000/120/50 set up last night and it was able to handle the above loads fine as well when inverting, but not the heat gun. The ac power draw went up to 1200W then the multi started making similar sounds as the isolation tranformer and the power was cut to about 400 watts, then the dc lights started flickering (ripple?).
I'm ready to just get a new heat gun and call it good, but wanted to know your thoughts on what's causing this.
Video of the isolation transformer with no error putting on a concert. It is as loud as the video makes it seem.