
John Janssen avatar image
John Janssen asked

Venus GX Losing contact with VRM

We've got a Venus GX connected with LAN to a Huawei router, very often the Venus dissappears from the VRM, rebooting the Venus GX makes it register again for a little while, then above repeats itself. In the meantime, all other equipment keeps on running fine, just the Venus loses contact to VRM. It has the latest firmware installed (2.85 at the time of writing), tried DHCP and fixed IP, both give the same problem. Our other installations on Huawei routers do work properly. We're kind of stuck with this, any thoughts on this issue?

VRMVenus GX - VGXconnection issue
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3 Answers
Enrique Vasquez avatar image
Enrique Vasquez answered ·

Hello, the same thing happens to me with my Multiplus II GX, as far as I know, this problem is generated by a voltage reading over 55.7 Volts.

hopefully Victron experts provide a solution.


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xavier-64 avatar image
xavier-64 answered ·

Same trouble with a venue connected in WIFI to one router. The connection to the VRM was lost if the router restarts or after some days…

setting up the automatic restart if connection lost and updating to 2.90 seem to be a good answer to that trouble for me

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Indeed, enabling the setting on the GX device to automatically restart if the internet connection is lost is the best 'catch all' solution to this problem.

For anyone wondering why this isn't the default behaviour, some GX devices have no internet connection at all, or might be offline (at sea) for long periods of time, so no need for them to be rebooting unnecessarily.

But in my opinion, any GX device that is normally connected to a reliable internet connection should probably enable this just in case a drop out happens due to some local network gremlin, doesn't automatically recover and goes undetected.

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Enrique Vasquez avatar image
Enrique Vasquez answered ·

Estimados, aun no se resuelve el problema, a pesar de indicar al equipo que no se reinicie, lo hace igual.

cuando llega la baterìa a 55,6 Volts, el equipo se reinicia y asì cada minuto cargando la baterìa sin problema hasta los 58 Volts , segun la configuraciòn,luego deja de reiniciar hasta que nuevamente llega a 55,6.

Contacte al distribuidor Victron en Chile, pero su respuesta fue de absoluto desconocimiento de estos equipos.

Tampoco me han brindado un soporte digno de la marca.

victron, yo creo, que debe buscar un distribuidor acorde al producto, ya que son equipos de alta gama y no se han dado cuenta de eso.

por favor pido que me contacten, para soporte, a este correo

mi equipo està en garantia y no he tenido una atenciòn digna que un cliente se merece.

Muchas gracias

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