I've been running a victron pheonix 12/1200 inverter connected directly to a 100ah LifeP04 Lithium battery successfully for some weeks. Recently the victron app has been showing low battery voltage and immediately shuts down with low voltage alarms, however the battery is completely topped up. My volt meter reads the battery at 13.8volts at the battery and at the inverter however the reading on the victron app shows the batter at 11.8v. The low battery shut down settings are at default (9.3v) and low batter restart & alarm is at the default of 10.9v so why is the inverter shutting off with a reading of 11.8v?
I hadn't managed to connect the grounding in the weeks it was in use but would this confuse the readings? I've also been running a compressor mini freezer which at startup did surge but I had never had an overload warning from the inverter.