
garyartista avatar image
garyartista asked

Wire clamp on MPPT 75115 no longer works

My connecting screw clamp no longer tightens at all. I have to jam two wires in there. Is there anyway to fix this problem? The clamp side is stuck wide open. I can not move it with a screw driver. Perhaps the screw is damaged.

MPPT Controllers
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offroadflow avatar image offroadflow commented ·
ask your seller..........

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2 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

usual cause is over tightening and stripping the thread - all you can do is to find a screw thats slightly larger or you could try to solder the wires permanently into there position.

or if the unit is new then contact the seller who you purchased it off

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garyartista avatar image
garyartista answered ·

It is stuck wide open so it would be over-loosening versus over tightening. It is probably something I can exchange with the vendor but the logistics make that difficult, at least until we are off the boat. I inserted a screw, which solved the problem, perhaps permanently. As the unit now seems to work much better than ever, even when new, I think the problem was there from the beginning. Thanks for the reply.

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