Hopefully my issue is simple as I'm using what appears to be a simple setup compared to some of the ones I've seen addressed here.
I am using a harbor freight 57325 100W solar panel and the trailer had a single 12V tongue mounted battery in a tiny teardrop trailer. I'm using a SmartSolar MPPT 100V 20 amp 12-24-Volt Solar Charge Controller and it's worked perfectly the past year. I've just changed that to two 6-volt Interstate GC-2 AGM Batteries wired in series relocated from the external of the trailer to the interior. Do I need to change the setup or programming on my charge controller? I'm seeing it charge in spikes and if I recall correctly, it would normally just charge constant. I have been connected to the solar panel for a week and not seeming to get any recharge going.
I have the charger presets set to AGM spiral cell, is that correct for this situation?