
F Schaumann avatar image
F Schaumann asked

System upgrade with a Multiplus 2


I´m currently planning to upgrade my system, which currently consists of a 5kw photovoltaic string powering an SMA Sunny Boy 5.0, with a Multiplus 2 48/5000 and a battery. (more PV strings to come in the future).

The SMA inverter is currently on phase L1. According to the Victron manual

"(Make sure you install the ESS on L1. If it's installed on another phase the visualisation will be wrong.) "

The Multiplus 2`s AC-IN should be connected to L1 as well if I want to have a bidirectional feed with a correct visualisation, right?

Now if the multiplus is feeding and the SMA inverter is feeding I could theoretically go beyond the allowed 4,6kW for single phase input here in germany.

So I guess i`d have to rewire the SMA to phase L2 or L3 and add an EM24 meter and a Cerbo GX and I should get my "zero balancing"-ESS system(if there`s enough solar/battery ofc).

Have I understood that correctly so far or do I have to change the topology?



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1 Answer
shaneyake avatar image
shaneyake answered ·

The inverter inverter and L1 on the EM24 have to be the same phase but you can wire any real phase into L1 it will just be labeled L1 in the Victron system.

I.E you can wire
Grid -> Victron
L1 - > L3
L2 - > L1
L3 - > L2

The display would just show L1 which is really L3, etc.

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