
tf1 avatar image
tf1 asked

victron smart ip65 lipo

Charged a new lipo for the first time and the charger went into store mode ? How did I get it to stop at float ? The battery is used for a trolling motor so I’m assuming I don’t want the volt drop down to 13.6 from 14+. Did I do something wrong ?

battery charging
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Did you use the preset Li-ion setting?

If you did, it skips float and goes to storage. But the voltage is 13.5v. if that is correct for your float it should be fine.

Otherwise you can use the user defined option and tweak its settings. You can also save its profile then it can be custom for your particular setup.

Advanced settings - Advanced battery settings - battery preset (drop down menu use user defined). Then activate Expert mode and adjust there.

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