
pvittali avatar image
pvittali asked

Inverter RS 48/6000 Smart Solar + GlobalLink520+Pylontech US2000C + SmartSolar MPPT 150/35


Can I use the following components:

to build an island charger/inverter system ?

The Pylontech Stack (4xUS2000C) would be connected via the appropriate cable to the BMS/CAN input of the RS48/6000. The GlobalLink520 and the RS 48/6000 would be connected via VE.Direct and the Smart Solar MPPT 150/35 would be connected to the GlobalLink520 with VE.Direct as well.

The GlobalLink would then be added to the VRM.

Will this work ?



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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

This will not work.
The Inverter RS does not have a BMS CAN port, it only has VE.Can which is designed to connect with other VE.Can products (daisy chain other MPPT's) and a GX device like a CerboGX.

The Pylontech battery needs to be connected to a GX device in order for its information and control messages to be interpreted by the system. You cannot connect a battery's data cable directly to the inverter because they do not understand each other's messages. Besides, they are at different baud rates.

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pvittali avatar image pvittali commented ·

Thank you, I understand.

So I would need to add a Cerbo GX, connect the Pylontech-Stack to the Cerbo and then connect the Cerbo to the GlobalLink via VE.Direct for wireless data transmission ?

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Related Resources

Globalink Product page

Globalink Online Manual

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Inverter RS Product page.

Inverter RS Online Manual.

Inverter RS Datasheet.

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