
arran-pritchard avatar image
arran-pritchard asked

Pheonix Inverter 24V 4x3000W vs 2x5000W

The installation is a catamaran.

I am new to the Victron range and trying to choose between either 4x 3000W or 2x5000W 24V Inverters, to be connected in parallel to provide approximately 10kW of power.

I have 2x 5.5kW EASUN inverters at off-grid home, however for my boat I am chosing to go with Victron for the after sales support.

I have decided on 10kW as my needs ( start piont ) as this is what I have at home and am familiar with, I have a 6kW shower and 3x 1kW aircons, 3kW oven and 2kw induction hobs and plan to have simliar equipment on my boat.

Where I am stuck is choosing between 4x 3000W inverters or 2x 5000W inverters and the crest ratio.

I have reviewed the multiplus and quattro inverters but I do not intend to have AC in nor use a generator, and the smart/bluetooth models do allow parallel operation.

Thank you for any feedback.



Phoenix Inverter
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knownot avatar image knownot commented ·

Personally I like having a system with maximum redundancy, thus 4 x 3k is more interesting to me. Hopefully if there's a technical reason to do it another way, someone will chime in. Likely they'll be interested (to help you) in the specs of all ur other solar equipment.

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1 Answer
arran-pritchard avatar image
arran-pritchard answered ·


2 |3000

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