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sisyphus asked

CerboGX shows "AC Inputs" & "AC Loads"... but there is no Multi/Quattro

CerboGX running v2.85. The only devices connected are SmartShunt (, Skylla-3 (ve.can), and SmartSolar 150/70 (ve.can), GX Touch 70 display, and ethernet (for VRM).

The GX display and VRM both show the "AC Input" and "AC Output" widgets, but there is (of course) no data because there is no Multi/Quattro connected. I have already done the factory reset (twice) using the "venus-data.tgz" file AND a firmware update (from 2.72 to 2.85).

Originally, when the Cerbo was first installed in this environment (no Multi/Quattro) the display showed the Skylla charger as the "core" device and there was no "AC Loads". Then we used the Cerbo as a temporary test/lab unit to configure a Quattro... and the Cerbo recognized the Quattro. Then we re-installed the Cerbo in the current environment (with no Multi/Quattro in the system) but the Cerbo still shows the inverter/charger as the "core" device, along with the corresponding (and blank) "AC Loads".

Has anyone else seen this? How can we get the Cerbo to "forget" that it ever saw the Multi/Quattro?

cerbo gx
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