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janieronen asked

Multiplus systems In series

I have three 5kva multiplus with 16kwh lifepo4 at garage connected to grid. This three-phase system with solar is feeding my home essential loads.

The question is there any possible issues if I install my old system 3kva multi plus with 10kwh AGM to my house working as critical IT UPS as then it will be charged through one 5kva multiplus? Distance between systems is 50 meters 5x16mm2 cu cable. From my understanding, there is no issue as smaller 3k will be handled as any other electrical load. Grid failure 3k will be isolating itself when 5k is down.

I assume that in case of grid failure there is surely an efficiency hit(DC->AC->DC) as 3k will be driven by a 5k inverter until LFP batteries hit low soc. Then 3K changes to inverter mode and run as long as batteries have capacity.

Sure I need to take into consideration that When starting genset 5k L1 will have a higher load as feeding 3K charging batteries.

And the downside is also that then I have two separate GX instances and if want some controlling between systems that needed to be done with an external system.

multiplus ve.bus
2 |3000

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