
petajoule avatar image
petajoule asked

MPPT RS disable (or configure) display cycling

The (default or fixed) behavior of a MPPT RS 450/100 seems to be to show tracker 1 params -> tracker 2 params -> battery params -> repeat.

I would like to change that.

Currently the MPPT RS 450/100 I operate has only PV1 connected, PV2 will not be connected in this temporary/test installation and as such not yield any useful info - ever.

Battery information is also of limited use, as that is shown in the GX and/or VRM.

Standing before the MPPT RS, I would like to be able to observe the Tracker 1 params and not these being replaced after a few seconds with info I really do not need.

Is it possible to configure the behavior? Haven't found anything in VictronConnect so far.

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
alaskannoob avatar image
alaskannoob answered ·

That would be a great feature. I haven't seen it anywhere.

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