
kkisbye avatar image
kkisbye asked

VRM not showing data

My VRM has stopped showing data from Cerbo.

I think it relates to me changing passwords and device names. In the Connect app, I can only see the previous named Cerbo in the VRM device list. In the Local device list I have all my products.

On my Cerbo display I get an error #153 connection error

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


The manual explains more in section 9.4

But maybe start with a simple Cerbo reboot before digging too deep.


1 comment
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kkisbye avatar image kkisbye commented ·
I live on my boat. Most of the time In roaming from my mobile. Occasionally I use a harbor Wi-Fi which always have specific password log on.

If my phone is online, shouldn’t the Cerbo then also be online?

How do I reboot the Cerbo?

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