Hallo! First post.
If we have an SMA three phase solar inverter. And now would like to add a battery to store excess production. We have purchased a good 48V battery for this purpose (12 kWh Litium). We have not found and good SMA products for 48V.
We would like to use a Multiplus or Multiplus-II as battery inverter. And to have the possibility of running some appliances on power even at grid outage.
We would like the inverter to charge the battery during solar production. And to discharge it during nighttime. And to always save some capacity as backup for grid failure.
Now we know this is possible with Color control or Venus GX. But is this functionality POSSIBLE with only the Multiplus och Multiplus II? We understand that Color control is a great product. But to me it seems a bit silly to purchase a Color control in this system with only ONE Vectron product :-)
BR TomasF