
mikey63 avatar image
mikey63 asked

Quattro 15000 DC breaker sizing

For the Quattro 15k what size DC breaker or fuse to use on the DC battery side of the inverter. I see it has a normal 300amps with up to 600amps peek on the datasheet. I also see other posts that have the battery DC connected directly to the Victron 1000amp bms and then straight to the inverter without fuses or breakers ? So I am abit confused what to use.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Use a fuse rated at 600A. (They do the overload peaks). The correct size is in the manual page 9 of the printed edition. I would fuse not use a breaker. 15kva is no joke when things go bad.

The reason for differences in drawing can be that there is no regulations for the fuse, or the person drawing it was not being comprehensive, or following regs for a different area or application. Simple way is to find out the local regulations and install according to that.

Fuses are rated for wiring sizes as well, so it would depend on whether you had 2x (cable size) or not.

You can use the lynx distributor that also has places for fuses. Or the mega fuses. Or a mersen fuse disconnect if a total disconnect is what the regs require. There are alot of options out there.

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