
rasti avatar image
rasti asked

MK3-USB and Multiplus II Setup: Absolutly necessary or nice-to-have ?

Dear all,

I already ordered the following devices

Victron Multiplus II 5000, Cerbo GX, Touch 50, MPPT RS 450-200, EM24-Ethernet

and I am currently waiting for the delivery....

I just noticed that the interface MK3-USB is not included.

My question is: Is this interface absolutly required, at least helpful or only a nice-to-have-option ?

If the answer is only helpful or nice-to-have, what do I need it for and for what not ?



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3 Answers
Meine_Energiewende avatar image
Meine_Energiewende answered ·

No ... it is not required for such a singe MP2 Setup. You are able to configure everything through the VRM Portal -> but the way is more complicated.


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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

If you can get your GX online, you can push configs to the Multi remotely via VRM.

So a mk3 is not as vital any more. It is damn handy though, especially if a firmware update goes wrong and you have to go old-school with veflash.

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rasti avatar image
rasti answered ·

Thank you. This fully answered my question. I just ordered one....

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